Home - Virginia Department of Social Services
Welcome to the Virginia Department of Social Services. VDSS is one of the largest Commonwealth agencies, partnering with 120 local departments of social services, along with faith-based and non-profit organizations, to promote the …
Assistance - Virginia Department of Social Services
The Virginia Department of Social Services develops and administers programs that provide timely and accurate income support benefits and employment services to families and individuals in the Commonwealth.
Contact Us - Virginia Department of Social Services
Local departments of social services (LDSS) are the main provider of many services to Virginia's children, families and adults. In most cases, your city or county social services department should be the first call for benefits and other services.
Find Your Local Department - Virginia Department of Social Services
Many questions or issues can only be resolved through your local department of social services agency. To find your local department of social services, please either use the search bar below or you may filter by region using the map or buttons.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Virginia …
Apply for SNAP on-line at CommonHelp, by calling 833-522-5582 or by visiting your local department of social services. SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INCOME ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS AND MAXIMUM ALLOTMENTS
Child Support - Virginia Department of Social Services
Virginia's children need both financial and family support to grow and thrive. Children with actively involved parents perform better in school, have high self-confidence and generally achieve greater success in life.
MyChildSupport | Welcome to MyChildSupport
The Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) is a division within the Department of Social Services. DCSE works in partnership with the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement and other State agencies.
Search for Child Day Care - Virginia Department of Social Services
The Virginia Department of Education is now responsible for overseeing child care and early education programs. Information and resources related to child care licensing, the Child Care Subsidy Program, and professional development may be found at here.
CommonHelp - Virginia Department of Social Services
CommonHelp is a quick and easy resource for people who live in Virginia to check the status of their benefits, report changes to their status, and find out if they may be eligible to receive the following: Low or no-cost health care; Help with buying prescription drugs ; Help with paying for child care; Home energy assistance ; Help with buying ...
Food Connections - Virginia Department of Social Services
By visiting local farmers markets, SNAP recipients can get fresh, locally grown produce while supporting local farmers and ranchers. You can also take advantage of the Virginia Fresh Match program to purchase fruits and vegetables at participating markets for half price.