When the 'wood-wide web' was first described in the journal Nature in 1997, our view of plant life took on a utopian glean.
Forced to run a labyrinth of carbon atoms uniquely arranged in twisted stacks, electrons do some rather peculiar things.
As I've grown older and experienced the vagaries of my ageing memory, I've often reflected on the possibility of a miracle ...
Here's one more reason to think about cycling to work: a new study has found people who commute by bicycle tend to have fewer ...
A simple blue stain could force trees into giving up their memories of cold summers and volcanic winters, a recent study reveals, giving researchers a new way to precisely reconstruct ancient climates ...
Psychologists call it the dark triad: an intersection of three of the most malevolent tendencies of human nature – psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism.