I've written in the past about our inability as a society to reach a consensus on many issues due to a lack of a common language.
Yet rich parents often want to give more. Here are the (sometimes barely legal) ways they get it done. A trust distributes ...
The Greens want to hit Australian rich-listers like Gina Rinehart, Anthony Pratt, Clive Palmer and Mike Cannon-Brookes with a ...
Concentrated wealth gives individuals the power to corrupt the free press, elections, the economy and our government. In the 1890s, robber barons who held concentrated wealth that corrupted U.S.
FREE TO READ] Experts expect the arrangement to increase in popularity as ministers expand the scope of inheritance tax ...
The week has been a whirlwind of economic and political developments. From the announcement of the first-ever U.S. sovereign ...
Germany's The Left on Saturday presented a five-point plan to halve the wealth of the country's billionaires within 10 years.
You have to consult Dictionary.com for the definition of “trillionaire.” Webster’s doesn’t yet recognize trillionaire as a word. But it will. If you’re under 60, America’s ...
India's tax policy has evolved significantly since the 1970s, when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's government imposed a 97.5% ...
Greenspan was explicitly against a sovereign wealth fund, but he needn’t have worried. Over the next two-and-a-half decades the federal government paid for tax cuts, a war, more tax cuts, another war, ...
The Union Cabinet has approved the New Income Tax Bill, which aims to replace the 1961 Act by simplifying direct tax ...
The new Income Tax Bill, which will replace the six-decade old Income Tax Act of 1961, will make direct tax laws simple to ...