One of the biggest problems with peel-and-stick wallpaper is that it won’t stick to the walls as well as conventional wallpapers, especially in rooms with lots of moisture exposure. So, peel-and-stick ...
Looking to refresh your space by getting rid of your wallpaper? It can be tricky (and tedious) trying to remove it, but here's a tip you might want to try.
If you're trying to update your kitchen on a budget, you don't need to settle for a tile backsplash. Instead, consider these ...
Painting floor tiles sounds like an easy way to upgrade them, but it's not the best solution. You might be better off with ...
If a recent stay in a hotel has you seriously reconsidering your own bathroom decor, it might be time for some pointers. This design trick may be the key!
go over the surface with a damp sponge or cloth and a mild, nonabrasive cleaner. Wait until the wall has dried completely before applying your peel-and-stick wallpaper. When I tested out some of ...
Read more Fitbit gets burned: Fitbit settled with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission over a long-standing defect that caused some wearers to sustain burns. Fitbit will pay a $12.25 ...
It wasn’t perfect, and it certainly didn’t hold your hand, but the superb Art of Rally remains one of the most beautiful and balanced racing games of the last five years. Today, developer ...
An upcoming co-op off-roading racing game, "Over the Hill," is like a celebration of the "golden age of off-roading" that seems to be a spiritual successor to "Art of Rally." Developer Funselektor's ...
Over The Hill once again puts you in control of a vehicle, and once again you’ll find yourself in a stylish, minimalist environment. This time, though, rather than making your way around a track ...