Mint tea is a traditional drink enjoyed in many cultures. In Moroccan culture, the tea is made by steeping mint and green tea leaves and sugar, and is commonly served at all times of day.
Herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, and ginger tea offer several health-promoting properties and could help improve heart health, digestion, sleep quality, and more. Unlike true teas ...
Drinking tea has been linked to various health benefits, including a lower risk for heart disease and degree of inflammation in the body. Now, a new study by researchers from Northwestern ...
Good news for tea lovers: That daily brew might be purifying the water, too. In a new study, Northwestern University researchers demonstrated that brewing tea naturally adsorbs heavy metals like ...
Researchers demonstrated that brewing tea naturally adsorbs heavy metals like lead and cadmium, effectively filtering dangerous contaminants out of drinks. Researchers tested different types of ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued the highest risk classification to its Pearl Milling Company pancake and waffle mix recall. The Quaker Oats Company initially issued a recall on Jan ...
Today we look back to our July 1986 issue for a tutorial on what Craig Stadler called his “old-man” putting grip. For unlimited access to the full GOLF Magazine digital archive, join ...
A GRIP ON SPORTS • Today is Super, isn’t it?Going to eat a Bowl of popcorn at 3:30 this afternoon to get it kicked off. As long as some Fox doesn’t gnaw through your cable box. It’s The ...