Tuesday marked the deadline for crossover, when bills that have passed one chamber head over to the other for a vote. Legislators voted on a number of housing bills designed to lessen ...
A proposed new review board would weigh in on proposals to build solar farms across the state. County officials fear a lack ...
Virginia legislation would allow localities to incorporate social determinants of health such as poverty and access to fresh ...
Trees are on the move near Shore Drive in Virginia Beach as part of a transformation of land near Pleasure House Creek from ...
Among the top-level proposals in both versions of the budget is providing over $1 billion in tax relief through a one-time rebate for all Virginians.
Two nonprofit organizations have proposed uses for the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art building when the museum moves out ...
The nonprofit bought a 71-acre site in eastern Hanover, where it will build a $128 million home for disabled adults. It's ...