The city of Vero Beach has entered a new era since the days when it counted on $6 million a year from its electric operation.
Vero Beach Planning Director Jason Jeffries presented a reasonable approach to short-, mid- and long-term strategies. Let's hope he avoids roadblocks.
Vero Beach Three Corners developer selection begins. Selection committee agrees one plan is better. But what if it doesn't ...
One developer estimates its Three Corners plan would cost $249 million while the other estimates its project would cost $195 ...
Two companies, Clearpath and The Blue at Vero Beach, presented proposals to redevelop ... interviews Clearpath and The Blue in closed meetings March 31. About 2:45 p.m. that day, an open meeting ...
Vero Beach ranked the two developers that submitted ... Indian River Boulevard Clearpath had representatives at Tuesday's meeting to hear the rankings. "We are glad to be ranked at the top ...