By analyzing the DNA of Fulani people, researchers led by @HopkinsMedicine revealed a shared genetic component among all ...
The Fulani’s ancestry links to North and West Africa, the Green Sahara period, and ancient Berber groups, shaped by migration ...
One theologian said Africa’s celebrations of the Christian framework would exhibit the continent’s rich theological heritage ...
A rare handwritten copy of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 has been found in Oxford University’s Bodleian ... Gizmodo reports that it was found within a manuscript of miscellaneous texts compiled ...
The world listened. Today, things are different – particularly in Africa. Western narratives are no longer going unchallenged. The recently formed Alliance of Sahel States (Burkina Faso ...
The Roman de Troie (c. 1165) was a French verse romance on the matter of Troy which circulated widely in medieval French-speaking regions and survives in over sixty manuscripts and fragments (more ...
Speaking on Nile University’s contributions to Honoris’ Impact on education in Africa, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dilli Dogo FNAMed, stated “Nile University of Nigeria, as a member of Honoris ...
Joe “Abdul” Conteh with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office and had a conversation about how growing up during civil war in western Africa shaped the man he is today. “My name is Joe ...
Its dry stone and mud mortar homes, mosques and libraries store some of West Africa’s oldest Quranic texts and manuscripts, covering topics ranging from law to mathematics. Community leader ...
The earliest evidence of humans living in tropical rainforests in Africa, around 150,000 years ago, has been published in a new study in Nature by researchers at the University of Sheffield. The ...
It was a night of apprehension for the inhabitants of the province of Naples, where the earth shook again. Shortly after midnight on 17 February, an earthquake of magnitude 3.9 struck the Campi ...
Morocco has also won backing from Western Sahara's former colonial power Spain, as well as Israel and more than two dozen African and Arab nations. The Polisario in 2020 withdrew from a U.N ...