A fireteam from the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division carrying a Dronebuster, center right, holds its position during a Cobra ...
The Pentagon has ordered the deployment of up to 3,000 active-duty soldiers to the US-Mexico border, including motorized ...
Fort Carson in Colorado will be deploying approximately 2,400 soldiers to the southern U.S. border. A Fort Carson ...
CCAA has called on the country’s security forces to strictly enforce the election gun ban without sparing erring members of ...
The soldiers are primarily from the 4th Infantry Division’s 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Fort Carson, Colorado.
The troop mobilization indicates that President Trump is breaking with recent presidents’ practice of limiting deployments ...
The Stryker crews, as well as support helicopters and seven sustainment units, will bolster thousands of troops already there ...
Leonard F Pryor's medals "were passed to me a few years ago, as his namesake," his great-grandson Leonard Lawson told Newsweek.
Adam Krall, a historic site interpreter with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, showcases an original rifle that ...
Joint Base San Antonio and other commands are hurriedly removing news releases, photos and videos that reflect favorably on ...