A commitment to compassion defies fear and, in love, demands we always tell the truth, even when it’s hard or risky.
We are now satisfied when things seem true enough. So can I fulfill my faith’s directive to always speak the truth? Inshallah. Lubna Zeidan grew up in Lebanon and belongs to the Druze faith ...
“Truth is one of the very foundations upon which the world stands ... Kein yehi ratzon … may it be God’s will. Shalom. Issues of Faith is a rotating column by religious leaders on the North Olympic ...
WE need to be clear about the relation among truth, freedom and faith. Unless we know this relation and live by it, we cannot really keep the dignity that is meant for us. That is why Christ lamented ...
Exploring both fields of study, says BYUH professors and a student, people learn how the two coexist and better navigate the ...
Can too much self-esteem be a bad thing? Carol Craig, an expert in psychological development has warned that parents and educators who over-praise children are creating an “all about me” ...
Truth-telling is an act of resistance in a society ... Christian Church and founder & co-executive director of Faith Community Development & Training with 3e Restoration Inc. Chesapeake is ...