The secret to a great pair of jeans ... old-school shuttle looms used to weave it, which produce a self-finished edge that prevents the fabric from fraying (selvedge = self-edged, see what they did ...
Fashion is a continuously evolving cycle, where old trends become new again. The skinny jean is the latest classic style to ...
If you have an old pair ... with DIY denim tailoring as the Julia Foxes of this world, I’m here to share some good news with you: all it requires is a pair of scissors, a pair of jeans, a ...
Going into the Circular Denim review, that was my gauge for quality and satisfaction. As expected, you'd have no idea that these were made in part with old jeans that were ready to be thrown away.
Selvedge gets its name from the old-school ... generation of denim specialists like Naked & Famous and 3sixteen helped introduce Japanese denim to the world and make selvedge jeans an essential ...