Here & Now's Robin Young reflects on skating and its special community and stars, with figure skating legend Dr. Tenley Albright, who in 1956 became the first American woman to win a figure ...
De melding kwam rond half tien 's avonds bij de alarmcentrale binnen. De brand werd binnen 7 minuten opgeschaald naar 'middelbrand'. Met onder meer 2 tankautospuiten is de brandweer uitgerukt. Uit ...
Olympic medal-winning figure skaters and Massachusetts residents Nancy Kerrigan and Dr. Tenley Albright gathered with other skaters at The Boston Skating Club in Norwood to express their grief.
“We came here because we needed to be together,” 1956 Olympic champion Tenley Albright said while standing in a rink outside Boston that is named for her. “We’re family, and it’s a ...
Olympic figure skaters Nancy Kerrigan and Tenley Albright, both Massachusetts natives, know how tight-knit their sport’s community is. So when six New Englanders — teenage skaters Spencer Lane ...
“I picture them right here,” said figure skating legend Tenley Albright, her voice breaking as she gestured over her shoulder to the side of the rink. “The coaches always stood at that entranc ...
Among those seeking comfort in the close-knit skating community were two Olympians, Nancy Kerrigan and Dr. Tenley Albright, and a former national champion, Paul George. By Jenna Russell Reporting ...
Het ongeval gebeurde kort na zeven uur in de avond. Over de oorzaak van het ongeval is nog niets bekend. 112 Hattem De brandweer is de afgelopen 30 dagen 5 keer naar Hattem gestuurd. De ambulance ...
Wil nog wel eens een lekkere relatief lichte stuurmans ST met flink wat power zoals een Focus St, Octavia RS of bv Seat Leon/ cupra. Maar we hebben hier eerst even wat anders aan het hoofd en ...