Gather25 reflects our desire to sing together but also the struggle to capture the diverse sounds of the church around the ...
When Floyd Stokes founded the Amani Festival in Carlisle in 1994, he envisioned a multicultural festival that celebrates ...
Nakuru and Kisumu, Kenya – Ogoyi Ogunde belonged to a proud family. His father had carved a home for their clan out of the ...
The two men prosecuted for the martyrdom of a traditional chief in 2017 had their sentences reduced to 20 years in prison by the military court on March 10. The Congolese population of Masuika, in ...
A frequent chant many UFC fans use today salutes the company's light heavyweight champion and face, Alex Pereira. The UFC is ...
Seanfhocail are a unique part of the Irish language, and really showcase the beauty of the language. They carry the wisdom, ...
Keihéenák’w John Martin: Kaklahéen. That means slush or sleet. Keihéenák’w John Martin: Táakw.eetí áyá kaklahéen ...
His characters – tramps, discarded people, poor people, people on the fringes – are connected with all the people we know of today who are refugees.
As more and more key aspects of daily life migrate online, language inclusion can be a key component of ... From studying that course, I realised that the word for ‘stool’ differs between the dialect ...
Only read on if you want to know today's Wordle answer! Our first tip is that you should use one of the best Wordle start words for every game you play. But if you want some more specific clues to ...