Daylight saving time runs from the second Sunday in March to the second Sunday in November. Digital clocks will automatically ...
It's directly across the street from the Birkie Creamery ... It helps to bring to light that insects are relevant to maybe more than people think about on a day-to-day basis.
It’s a familiar sight on warm nights: moths and other insects flocking to street lamps, porch lights, and glowing windows. This curious phenomenon has puzzled many for centuries. Why are so many bugs ...
Advances in technology allow meteorologists to more easily tell the difference between weather and critters, including bats, ...
We drove key Mercedes performance models of the past and found they led to today’s excellent performance portfolio.
Despite that 1970s setback and despite what the scientists say, the pro-daylight saving time side has been gradually winning. In 2022, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill to make daylight saving ...
Find out how your favorite restaurant, convenience store and other food establishments in Jefferson County are performing on Health Department inspections.
Insects have long held an esteemed status in Asian cultures. Here’s how one particularly boisterous insect species is rumored ...
Hudson Valley Shakespeare, Processional Arts Workshop, and Hudson Highlands Land Trust will host the fourth annual Highland ...
Scientists studied flies to understand why insect populations are disappearing and how they adapt to temperature and climate ...
Some beetles, such as Anomala albopilosa, strongly reflect left circularly polarized light (electromagnetic waves that ...