Oroville, a town of almost 20,000 in Butte County, declared itself a “non-sanctuary city” this week in a City Council ...
The college is not a typical community college governed by the state’s board of governors; instead, even with state funding, it would remain chartered by the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians, ...
The ban on fur would have some exemptions. Used fur products still could be sold, as well as fur products used for religious purposes or “traditional tribal, cultural or spiritual purposes by a member ...
Federal Acknowledgement and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians,” tribal member and professor Olivia Chilcote traces the ...
Native Americans throughout the University of California system are calling out scholars who claim Indigenous heritage ...
A new assembly bill introduced in California seeks to recognize a legendary humanlike creature as the state’s official ...
For his part, Pinnecoose with the Southern Ute said he strongly believes the free access should not be broadened. Instead, he ...
After suppression of Indigenous cultural burning, the state agrees Northern California's Karuk Tribe may practice the burns ...
At Chatfield State Park, a pair of people and their dogs walk in the spring sunshine on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. The two ...
New wind turbines would not be allowed within 12 miles of any site zoned for residential use, putting much of the state ...
In December, about 160 acres of brush and grass on the Barona reservation near Lakeside were burned for cultural and land ...
Now, Sanchez has rolled out HB 3198, which aims to have Oregon’s nine federally-recognized tribes and urban communities partner up with another state agency. “It’s asking that we put a sort ...