V vseh teh letih je postal Herman Lisjak prepoznavni znak – ne le Hermanovega brloga, Muzeja novejše zgodovine Celje, ki mu ...
Mastering these lineups will help you play Sova better on Ascent. With time, you can also learn advanced lineups and become a strong initiator for your team. These lineups will help you win rounds ...
The Tejo experience includes the best of two worlds—Sova and Breach—in one. For starters, you get pretty easy-to-hit sticky grenades that stuns enemies even through walls. He’s got an ...
Sova is one of the best initiator agents in the game, and he is known for his ability to gather information, helping the team execute and retake sites with ease. Coming to a complex map like ...
Sova is a pure reconnaissance agent, although his ultimate is handy for netting some free kills, and you must spend hours in the range to be decent at piloting Sova. With the right lineups though ...
50 let bo letos praznovala slonica Ganga, ki je trenutno najstarejša žival v Živalskem vrtu Ljubljana. »Lani je dobila svoj bazen in veselje je bilo res veliko,« je povedal Ramšak. V Aziji se ...
Človeku so živali že od njegovega obstoja pomagale preživeti. Vsak, ki ima za družabnika psa, mačko, konja ali drugo žival, ve, da so živali za človeka preprosto zdravilne. So namreč zvesti prijatelji ...
Ko postane breja, nosi zarodek v sebi več kot eno leto, preden ga skoti. Brazilski tapir postane odrasla žival 18 mesecev po skotitvi, veliko pa jih pogine, še preden odrastejo. V divjini živijo med ...
Valorant’s Russian Agent Sova is one of the most efficient Initiators in the game. Not only is he good at gathering information, but he’s also capable of singlehandedly eliminating enemies with his ...