Little black beetles have dug deep into pine trees on Ray and Mary Westbrook’s East Venice Avenue property. They've killed about 70 South Florida slash pines on a five-acre lot near a former borrow ...
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...
The U.S. Forest Service has terminated a $1.6 million grant to the city of Tampa to plant and maintain trees, combat extreme ...
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture and partner organizations are proposing to manage spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) infestations this summer in nine counties across eastern Minnesota.
As a Tree City USA, Tallahassee boasts a lush canopy – but for allergy sufferers, that beauty comes at a cost.
Last week, residents were evacuated from Waipoua Settlement in Northland as the blaze threatened over 20 homes.