Anne Imhof is one of the most talked-about artists in the world. Her new project at the Park Avenue Armory may reveal why.
With contributions from Harriet Walter, Christopher Eccleston, hip-hop artist Testament and French street artist P-Boy, Simon ...
President Trump makes alarming changes at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts; meanwhile, Frieze Los Angeles, ...
The Connecticut museum exhibits stellar drawings from its holdings, spanning centuries and featuring such artists as ...
A wealth of Neoclassicist art has joined the holdings of the Art Institute of Chicago via collectors Jeffrey and Carol Horvitz, who have gifted the museum around 2,250 works of French art made between ...
Théodore Géricault completed The Raft of the Medusa when he was 27, and the work has become an icon of French Romanticism.
It was during this period that Monet found his true artistic identity, navigating between Delacroix and Courbet –stepping aside from the expressive romanticism of the former while distinguishing ...
"Even if such works may legally be owned by an individual, in a higher sense, they belong to everyone; their owner is only their custodian." ...