Twenty-five years after the LAPD’s beatdown ... get along?” Rodney King pleaded for rioting to stop in Los Angeles as violence erupted following the acquittal of four officers who beat him.
Footage of black motorist Rodney King being beaten by four white police officers in LA in 1991 - while ... and the ensuing outrage - forced the LAPD to change radically. But change did not come ...
The victims' lawyers said one of the men flagged LAPD officers patrolling the area during the struggle. As the officers got out of their vehicle, one of the victims shouted, "he's got a gun ...
On March 3, 1991, motorist Rodney King was severely beaten by Los Angeles police officers after a high-speed chase; amateur ...
The LAPD in 1994 had largely forfeited the trust of the city it was sworn to protect and serve. The beating of Rodney King in 1991, the riots that followed the acquittals of those officers in 1992 ...