Numerous events and policy decisions across the world in the last several months are causing despair among many ...
On Tuesday, Colossal announced that its scientists have simultaneously edited seven genes in mice embryos to create mice with ...
The Northern Red Sea (NRS) region of Eritrea ... offer unique opportunities for recreational diving, bird watching, and sightseeing, making the NRS a multifaceted destination. The NRS region exhibits ...
Colossal Biosciences has focused on identifying key traits of extinct animals by studying ancient DNA, with a goal to genetically "engineer them into living animals," said CEO Ben Lamm.
Some animals have been around since the time of the dinosaurs—and they’re still thriving today! Known as “living fossils,” ...
Excerpted from "The Book of Flaco: The World's Most Famous Bird" by nature writer David Gessner ... gets harder and harder with more and more red tape and with the public perception turning ...
Intricate craftsmanship, marble ping pong tables, bathrooms to spend a day in. These are the highlights to be found at the ...
The government must assure Ekiti people that the massive investment in the cargo airport will not be another white elephant project ... of LPG canons and LPG bird repellers.
Zenz created a website to connect with African women living in Europe. What began as a personal quest to find community quickly grew into something much larger.
Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport in Sri Lanka was built to serve the southeast of the country but has seen major ...