Lawmakers working to address Colorado’s housing crisis are backing a bill to expand development rights — this time on land ...
Lenexa’s pushback against homeless services continues. The latest rendition: a proposal to allow churches to serve 20 more people in cold weather shelter operations.
"Helping those who are less fortunate isn't a political issue for us. It's a religious and moral obligation," said Adam ...
For over a century, the church has welcomed neighbors in the Brown Town community, a historically black neighborhood along Highway 17 in Hampstead.
Mayor Monroe Nichols indicated support for "significant elements" of an initiative launched Tuesday by Justice for Greenwood ...
You shouldn’t have to leave your faith at the door of your people’s government, and under President Trump’s leadership, you ...
After years of searching for a permanent home for its Claremont members, Riverbank Church announced that it has purchased a former National Guard armory at 75 Winter Street with a goal of holding ...