Panasonic has rung the changes on this second edition of its full-frame flagship. The Lumix S1R II improves upon the original S1R in every key area, battery life excepted. For me, the most ...
Bipolar II disorder is a mental health condition that involves at least one depressive episode and at least one period of elevated mood, called hypomania. Bipolar II disorder causes intense ...
The tomb of Pharaoh Thutmose II is the first royal crypt discovered in recent years, and scientists have new powerful tools to analyze it. Egypt's Valley of the Kings is part of a massive ...
A British archaeologist believes his team may have found a second tomb in Egypt belonging to King Thutmose II. The potential find comes just days after Piers Litherland announced the discovery of ...
Officials in Egypt say they have unearthed the resting place of King Thutmose II, marking what the government described as the very first major discovery since the tomb of King Tutankhamun was ...
The uncovering of King Thutmose II's tomb marks the first time a pharoah's tomb has been found by a British-led excavation since Tutankhamun's was found over a century ago. The British-Egyptian ...
Noul secretar american al Apărării, Pete Hegseth, efectua vineri o vizită în Polonia, după ce a făcut declaraÅ£ii controversate cu privire la NATO, viitorul Ucrainei care au înfuriat Uniunea Europeană ...
În grupa B, Ţările de Jos au învins Irlanda, la Dublin, scor 2-1. Cu Lewandowski căpitan, Polonia s-a înclinat la Tirana, în faÅ£a Albaniei. Gazdele s-au impus cu 2-0, după golurile marcate de Jasir ...
La un an de la izbucnirea războiului, Polonia este marcată de prezenţa celor aproape un milion şi jumătate de refugiaţi ucraineni. Majoritatea cetăţenilor consideră că Rusia este o ...