Cruzamento de dados mostra alta ocupação por público do Cadastro Único. Já o público do Bolsa Família ocupou 75% das vagas ...
No ano de 2024, o Brasil obteve um saldo de empregos com carteira assinada positivo, com geração de mais de 1,69 milhão. Destes, 98,87% foram ocupados pelo público do Cadastro Único (CadÚnico).
7. “Enquanto a pobreza, a injustiça e a desigualdade gritante persistirem em nosso mundo, nenhum de nós pode realmente descansar.” — Nelson Mandela Mandela nos lembra que a luta pela justiça social é ...
(CNN) — Here is a look at the life of Nelson Mandela, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of South Africa. He was given the name Nelson by a school teacher. He was sometimes called ...
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A new play about anti-apartheid icon Winnie Madikizela-Mandela seeks to highlight the struggles of Black ...
A new play about anti-apartheid icon Winnie Madikizela-Mandela seeks to highlight the struggles of Black women in South Africa who had to wait years for their husbands’ return from exil ...
"At Aperture, we bring the universe down to Earth and explore the human condition through thought-provoking stories, ...
Today marks the 35th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's release from Drakenstein Correctional Centre (formerly Victor Verster Prison) on February 11, 1990. This historic moment was a turning point ...
(CNN)-- Whether talking about his time in prison, his struggle against apartheid, his emergence as a global icon or cracking a joke about his career, Nelson Mandela's words often have a resonance ...
Now, more than 10 years since his grandfather’s death, Ndaba Mandela told listeners it is the personal relationship he built ...