However, there are in fact degrees of plagiarism: one can steal an entire paper, or a section of a paper, or a page, a paragraph or a sentence. Even copying phrases without credit and quotation marks ...
The first instance of alleged plagiarism comes on page five. Citing a 1961 paper by Cecil Wittson, Craig Affleck, and Van Johnson, Whitten writes, “Wittson and colleagues were the first to ...
Self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her own previous work, or mixes parts of previous works, without permission from all professors involved. For example, it would be unacceptable to ...
Plagiarism does not just mean copying someone else's entire paper or article. "Ideas, processes, results or words" includes any material used in your assignments and essays that were written by others ...
Pines has called for an independent review of his research following accusations that he plagiarized a research paper from 2002. Pines said he doesn’t “believe there is merit” to the ...
An inquiry into plagiarism allegations against Ricardo Hausmann, a prominent political economist at the Harvard Kennedy ...
Some actions can almost unquestionably be labeled plagiarism. These include buying, stealing, or borrowing a paper (including, of course, copying an entire paper or article from the Web); hiring ...
Perednia told the Chronicle that Whitten’s use of his paper did not constitute plagiarism; Allen, though, told the publication that the language appeared to be copied. Indiana Public Media reported ...
Indiana University President Pamela Whitten is facing accusations of plagiarism in her doctoral dissertation. Jonathan Bailey, a plagiarism and copyright expert, reviewed Whitten’s work.