On Pi Day, students and faculty from the physics and math departments competed to see which department could finish one whole ...
Intended for students having completed 2 full years of physics and math, this course is designed to develop competency in the applied mathematical skills required of junior and senior level physics ...
This "language of science" provides the framework for work in traditional areas of science—biology, physics, chemistry and engineering. It is also important to areas that require analytic modeling or ...
Traditional exams A new research-based conceptual assessment (the colorado classical mechanics/Math methods Instrument, or CCMI). This instrument is still under development. It is not included in the ...
Another central topic is the structure and classification theory of nuclear $\mathsf{C}^*$-algebras. In mathematical physics we focus on rigorous constructions of quantum field theory models by ...
Necessary skills: a solid understanding of human anatomy/physiology, physics, algebra/calculus, statistical analysis, and data interpretation Recommended for students interested in pre-physical ...