Williams Solar Holdco, a division of Williams Companies, said the project is intended to reduce its emissions output and lower energy costs.
A pressure campaign from local activists, backed by state and local Republican politicians, killed a 500-megawatt solar project planned in Logan County. The death of Grange Solar, a $500 million ...
The Knox County commissioners heeded the townships' wishes, passing a resolution on Thursday banning utility-scale solar in ...
McPeek, business manager for the IBEW 688 in Mansfield, spoke to Madison Township trustees during public commentary about solar projects.
News on the Highland I Solar Project was delivered at the weekly Wednesday morning meeting of the Highland County Board of ...
The developers of Grange, Open Road Renewables, says it would have created over 1,000 jobs and $100 million of investment. But that didn't stop local residents and officials from opposing the project.
The Ohio Power Siting Board’s staff report acknowledges that Grange Solar is exempt from terms in a 2021 law, Senate Bill 52, which let counties block most large new solar projects. Two ...
Ohio's ban on open burning is back. Per Ohio laws, certain restrictions are put on burning in the state during five months out of the year. During these months, Ohio Revised Code 1503.18 prevents ...
(This story has been updated to add additional information from Franklin County Municipal Court and ... necessary to perform their duties. The Ohio Revised Code already bars civil arrest ...
A winter weather advisory has been issued multple Ohio counties, including Franklin, Delaware, Fairfield, Licking, Madison, Pickaway and Union in central Ohio, The advisory is in effect from ...