Menunda menstruasi atau haid dapat dilakukan dengan mengonsumsi obat penunda haid. Ada beberapa jenis obat yang bisa Anda gunakan. Namun, sebaiknya Anda berkonsultasi dulu kepada dokter untuk ...
Pelaku meminta tebusan Rp 100 juta, namun berhasil dinegosiasi menjadi Rp 10 juta. Pria berinisial IWS menculik seorang anak SD di Denpasar, Bali. Pelaku merupakan mantan karyawan dari ayah korban.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Video Menteri ESDM Bahlil Lahadalia disemprot warga viral di media sosial. Bahlil diomeli warga saat memantau distribus gas di Pangkalan di Kecamatan Cibodas, Kota ...
Daftar obat pilek yang manjur untuk anak yang pertama yaitu OBH Combi kusus untuk anak. Obat medis ini dipercaya ampuh untuk mengobati gejala influenza seperti batuk, demam, hidung tersumbat, ...
Baca juga: 4 Bulan Puskesmas Tak Ada Pelayanan: Warga Bolakme Krisis Kesehatan, Pemuda Angkat Bicara “Indonesia bukan termasuk negara miskin dan untuk pengadaan obat HIV, malaria itu tidak dibantu ...
Presiden Amerika Serikat, Donald Trump, yang akan mengeluarkan kebijakan menghentikan pasokan obat Tuberkulosis.(Dok. Instagram Real Donald Trump) STOP Tb Partnership Indonesia (STPI) menyayangkan ...
Two people have died in the outbreak. What to know about a tuberculosis vaccine. A tuberculosis (TB) outbreak in Kansas is raising a lot of questions about the bacterial infection, with ways to ...
Multidrug-resistant TB cases have also increased, prompting free testing and treatment. Uninsured people as well as those whose health insurance does not cover it, will receive free treatment ...
Tuberculosis, also known as TB, is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Two TB-related conditions exist ...
TB infections have been rising every year since 2020 after 30 years of decline. Now, a historic outbreak in Kansas is highlighting the disturbing trend. A colorized X-ray of a patient's chest ...
TB is caused by bacteria that lives in the people’s lungs and spreads through the air when they talk, cough or sing. It is very infectious, but only spreads when a person has symptoms.
Cases related to the outbreak were first reported in January 2024, and there were two reported TB deaths last year associated with this outbreak, Jill Bronaugh, a spokesperson for the Kansas ...