Five labourers, among them a minor, were killed when a tipper truck unloaded sand on their temporary shed at a construction site on Saturday (February 22, 2025), police said. The incident occurred ...
Five laborers, including a minor, were killed when a tipper truck unloaded sand onto their temporary shed at a construction site in Pasodi-Chandol, Jafrabad tehsil, trapping them while they slept.
As an outgrowth of discussions among some farmers including Ashby, a public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday to look at two bills to allow mobile food trucks or trailers in agricultural districts ...
Schneider National exemplifies the positive impact of electric vehicles as its semi truck fleet passes the 6 million mile ... David Carson, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Daimler ...
According to Teslarati, the Tesla Class 8 all-electric semi truck was spotted being tested with twin tandem trailers in Nevada, apparently for the first time. As twin tandem trailers usually pertain ...
Transportes Marva already has 120 electric semi-trailers, a fleet it plans to deploy ... Speaking at the North America Mobility and Net Zero Summit in Monterrey, Martínez said the goal is to ...
Officers say the crash happened around 4 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20. Two semi-trucks slid off the interstate near mile marker 91 into a residential area. One truck hit a home and the other hit a ...
ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. (LEX 18) — The Elizabethtown Fire Department reported that two semi trucks slid off the interstate on Thursday morning, resulting in them ramming into a house due to the icy ...
The Houston Fire Department said firefighters were called at 7:03 a.m. to 9799 Hempstead Highway after a crash between a train and trailer. "Around 7 a.m. CT, a Union Pacific train struck a trailer in ...
Majhanovich said he believes Wilson was driving the Odyssey. A Volvo truck tractor pulling an enclosed semitrailer was headed west approaching the same curve, but failed to negotiate it and crashed ...