The Spartanburg baseball stadium's parking garage is built on the site of the city's first Black cemetery, dating back to ...
This school provided the African American community an education before Anderson County Training High School was established. Pendleton native Jane ... 1854 and had a burial marker placed by ...
Pacific University archivist Eva Guggemos explains the history of Native American student graves at Forest View Cemetery in Forest Grove. Last spring, the Pacific University Student Alliance held ...
Brian Gibbs was an environmental educator at Effigy Mounds National Monument in Iowa. His job was among those nixed by the Trump administration as it pushes to shrink federal spending.
Some are active, others haven’t had a burial in decades. Some contain only a few graves, while others are home to more than 100 headstones and markers ... of a local American Legion post ...
Half of the soldiers serving at Fort Concho from 1869 to 1885 were African American. The fort will celebrate Buffalo Soldier ...
prehistoric Native American ceremonial and burial mounds. Human remains have been found in some mounds, while others "also functioned as territory markers and as multi-purpose ceremonial places ...
These notable women include a circus star, influential authors, famous singer/actress, Florida's first woman voter and ...
These Black troops received the nickname “Buffalo Soldiers” from their Native American foes ... 2024 ceremony at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio. The ceremony recognized ...
Due to racial segregation in South Florida, she could not attend high school because she was half-white and half-Native American ... A historical marker on Broadway Street highlights ...
He is buried in the historic Easton Cemetery hill at the end of North ... To foster goodwill, Taylor and Walton bought gifts for the Native Americans, which were reportedly warmly received.