Ukrainian troops paid a tribute to a killed New Zealand fighter by performing the haka dance next to his coffin.
Die U14 Faustball-Landesmeisterschaft brachte spannende Spiele. In der zweiten Vorrundengruppe traf der TV HAKA Wohnplan Enns auf die Union Compact Freistadt, ÖTB Kirchdorf und die SPG Schärding. Zum ...
The twelve finalists for Te Matatini have been announced, among them are defending champions Te Whānau a Apanui, boundary-pushing Auckland group Angitu and star-studded newcomers Te Taumata o Apanui.
On Wednesday, the New Zealand Defence Force issued an update on the PLAN task group stating that as of Wednesday morning the PLAN task group was south of Tasmania, inside the Australian Exclusive ...
Kua tū te haka a Tāne Rore me ngā mahi a Hine Rēhia! The world’s greatest kapa haka event will generate a significant boost for businesses in Taranaki, Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith and ...
Day one of Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga set a high benchmark for the week to come. There were 14 kapa haka rōpū that performed yesterday in the first pool of the preliminary performances ...
“Defense continues to monitor the Task Group while it remains in the vicinity of Australia’s maritime approaches, and is coordinating closely with the New Zealand Defence Force,” read the updat ...
The first haka groups are taking the atamira (stage) for the opening day of competition at Te Matatini 2025 - the national kapa haka championships, and the gates to New Plymouth's Bowl of Brooklands ...
The most prestigious kapa haka event in Aotearoa returns tomorrow. Here’s everything you need to know. Te Matatini has undergone immense evolution since its inception 53 years ago. From its ...
“This is Māori excellence” says Rotorua’s Trevor Maxwell of Te Matatini, the world’s biggest kapa haka festival. Kapa haka groups across Aotearoa have been training hard for the supreme ...
Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Ranginui will represent Tauranga Moana at Te Matatini in New Plymouth this week. Video / Rosalie Liddle Crawford They are the only Tauranga Moana rōpū [group] selected to ...