Melhor doceiro do mundo e fenômeno nas redes sociais, com mais de 20 milhões de seguidores, o carismático chef francês fala ...
Depois de uma década, o Jamie’s Italian, no Itaim Bibi, passou por um “retrofit” à brasileira, do ambiente ao menu ...
Article continues below Colum was depicted as the clan chieftain or Laird of the MacKenzie Clan, but he heavily depended on his younger brother Dougal MacKenzie (Graham McTavish). It was revealed ...
O Grupo Carrefour Brasil comunicou a aprovação de uma proposta de reorganização societária que visa unificar as bases acionárias do Atacadão e da matriz francesa do Carrefour (CSA ...
Enquanto que o prefeito do Rio, Eduardo Paes (PSD), entregou, nesta sexta-feira, “as chaves da cidade” ao Rei Momo Kaio Mackenzie, marcando oficialmente a abertura do carnaval carioca.
Blog posts represent the views of CFR fellows and staff and not those of CFR, which takes no institutional positions. President Donald Trump’s first month in office has been dizzying for U.S ...
I imagine if the same question was put to our 513,000 civil servants they would be beyond furious, probably even threatening strike action, but it’s a question that must be asked on behalf of the hard ...
In her quest to spend the billions she received as part of the divorce settlement from Amazon tycoon Jeff Bezos, MacKenzie Scott has given large, unrestricted gifts to more than 2,450 nonprofits over ...
Oliver Mackenzie is a Vancouver-based video producer and writer who has been a Digital Foundry contributor since 2021. Outside of gaming, he has produced video content for a range of news ...
MacKenzie Scott, the billionaire philanthropist and ex-wife of Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos, has donated over $19 billion in the past five years. While this staggering sum has ...