Born in Mount Pleasant, New York, he was the son of Frankie ... he observed numerous Maryland license plates. As a result, he reluctantly backed Maryland casino wagering. When Mr. Turner announced ...
Did you know that the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles provides an impressive selection of 212 different custom license plate designs?
I assure you the last thing our Northern Idahoans want is to be labeled a Washingtonian,” one person said during testimony ...
The Texas DMV rejects thousands of personalized license plate names each year. Here's a list of rejected license plates ...
Bar and restaurant owners across the city are reeling from a significant increase in liquor license renewal fees, which have ...
The DMV released its list of the most popular custom license plates sold in the year 2024. The most popular plate is the Army Veteran plate with 1,673 sold in 2024. The ...
The Idaho Legislature is considering a bill that would add two new “Idaho world famous potato” specialty license plates in Idaho. All standard Idaho license plates already prominently display ...
Blackout plates are not a new idea in the state Legislature. In January, Rep. Paul Melotik, a Republican from Grafton, reintroduced a bill to bring a blackout license plate to Wisconsin.
A license plate can highlight a person's occupation, personality, and sense of humor. However, "DRG LORD" and "NAWTE" are probably not ideal license plate names. In fact, those were among many ...
The issue of tracking license plates continues to create controversy as the General Assembly heads into its final days.
Bar and restaurant owners across the city are reeling from a significant increase in liquor license renewal fees, which have nearly doubled. The new fee ... rate and make Maryland more business ...