In this video, I explain what happens when a luffa sponge goes to seed and how to easily grow and make your own luffa sponge. I also explain the difference between a luffa sponge and a sea sponge.
Make your own scrub brushes with natural fibers like sisal, jute, or coconut husk. Sold in bundles for under $10 at craft stores, you can easily secure these materials to a wooden handle or even a ...
Shahnaz Husain Holi Hai!! The vibrant festival of colors of happiness is just around the corner. Barely a few days are left ...
Late fall and winter are good times for spinach. To have more greens the rest of the year, though, I tried Asian chijimisai, ...
Ensure that you have inline drip irrigation installed in beds to help counter dry conditions, and get back to watering fruit trees ...
Stumble into the shower, and plants are there, too. You grab a luffa, which is actually a dried-out tropical gourd. Give yourself a scrub and you come out smelling like a rose —because the ...
3. Vegetables: Bean, calabaza, cantaloupe, cassava, chayote, corn, cucumbers, dasheen, eggplant, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, luffa, malanga, New Zealand spinach ...
The Community Seed Exchange is a monthly event at The Cleveland County ... Jenna Ziegler brought seeds from the crop of luffa gourds she grew last year, of which there were a lot, she said. Luffa ...
Anita Stewart has always had a garden. “Even if it was just one little bed,” she said. “I grew up around them. My grandmother always had a garden, and so did my mother. It’s in my blood.” As a ...
Like luffa gourds, snake gourds are eaten as a vegetable when very ... Worse even, the reason that I write this blog is not because I find the fruit or the seed particularly ‘cool’. It’s actually the ...