In a fair tax system, everyone pays their fair share, no one pays more than they can afford, and the government raises enough ...
According to information from the customs office, many air travelers are being defrauded by people who claim to help them in ...
Tax season opened on Monday, January 27, meaning Americans are now able to file and pay their tax returns for 2024 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Opponents of the bill say lowering the tax would be a huge budget blow and bolster wealthy families staying that way.
EDITOR: I doubt voters were expecting pain when they voted for Donald Trump. He promised to lower prices, tame inflation and ...
Global markets are in a wait-and-see mode as President Trump vows to slap steel and aluminum tariffs, among other levies, on ...
Injecting new carve-outs into the code would undermine one of the great successes of President Trump’s first term.
In brief, carbon cashback is a carbon-pricing policy that would tax fossil fuel pollution, disincentivizing fossil fuel use ...
The Orioles have an outfield logjam, a look at some extra moves by the Dodgers and easier travel to Japan for the Cubs this ...
Two decades ago, Raymond Lombra, a now-retired economist at Penn State University, warned of a "rounding tax" that could amount to at least $600 million a year if merchants were to routinely add a ...
In the United States, many retirees are caught off guard when they discover that their Social Security benefits may be ...
President Trump's Tax Cuts and Job Act launched unprecedented prosperity and entrepreneurism for a majority of Americans, and ...