There are two main ways to cold treat garlic before spring planting, and the method you choose will depend on where you live ...
This softneck garlic is especially beloved for great flavor, which is mild with just a hit of spice. Its bulbs are large—around 3 inches wide—and produce many cloves. Although garlic greens ...
A garlic press is a staple kitchen gadget for anyone who likes to cook. Whether your forte is a simple tomato sauce or a delicate consommé, garlic adds extra flavor to a whole host of dishes.
Raw garlic provides numerous health benefits. Regular consumption may help reduce the risk of colds, high blood pressure. It can be consumed in various ways to mitigate its strong taste.
Save the garlic cloves for later. Add the cooking water to the processor with the onion mixture and whizz to a smooth paste. Add the oil to a large, flat casserole that has a lid. Add the two ...
Does it not bring a smile to one’s face when you get it right? That is the reaction El Vecino had when the first of his ...
"Peel the garlic by smashing each clove lightly on a board with a ... (meaning you don't cut them all the way through) in large serving-size pieces. My friend Zach, who was acting as my sous ...