According to Ohio law, you can also be excused from jury duty if: You have a mental or physical condition that renders you ...
We’ve scoured our sources near and far, and we found 10 excuses you can use if you need to get out of jury duty in Mississippi. Here’s what to know: According to the DeSoto County, Mississippi website ...
“Jury Duty” has been summoned once again. The comedy series, which debuted on Amazon’s now-defunct streamer Freevee as a surprise hit in 2023, will run for a second season on Amazon Prime ...
Open letter to Sens. Curtis and Lee ... Please remember your duty is to the Constitution and Utah, and not to a political party, or to the president.
DECATUR COUNTY, Ga. (WALB) - Decatur County residents eligible for jury duty can expect questionnaires in their mailboxes soon. Beginning mid-March, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District ...
LOS ANGELES, Feb 18 (Reuters) - A Los Angeles jury on Tuesday found Grammy-nominated rapper A$AP Rocky not guilty of two felony counts of assault with a semi ...
At a press conference in Accra on Friday, February 14, 2025, Dame rejected claims that he encouraged the accused to obtain a medical excuse duty despite being in good health. A section of the ...
However, something that is new to the past few decades is using mental health as an excuse. “My mom forgot my worksheet at home.” “My computer broke down.” “I have depression.” These are all common ...
Even if depression isn’t caused by low serotonin, as Joanna Moncrieff sets out in the book you reviewed, I am glad to see some researchers have pointed out that this doesn’t mean SSRIs ...
Then, as if out of the blue, that famous black cloud is overhead. Depression is when everything feels too hard. When you feel so low that things you previously enjoyed no longer hold the same joy.
An upstate New York judge has resigned after saying he could not serve on a jury because he believes all defendants are guilty. Richard T. Snyder, who served a justice of the Petersburgh Town ...