Rom 1165: Im Lateran, dem Sitz der Päpste, herrscht Verzweiflung. Die Truppen des Kalifen Nur ad-Din haben die Kreuzfahrer geschlagen, nun steht Jerusalem auf dem Spiel. Für Papst Alexander III. zerbr ...
The Republic of Fiji will open an embassy in Jerusalem, making it the seventh nation to do so. Before Fiji, the US, Guatemala, Honduras, Kosovo, Papua New Guinea, and Paraguay all opened embassies ...
Jerusalem — Israel has received a shipment of heavy MK-84 bombs from America after US President Donald Trump lifted a block imposed on the export of the munitions by the Biden administration ...
Israeli police raided two Palestinian bookstores in occupied east Jerusalem on Sunday, confiscating books and arresting one of the owners and his nephew, according to their family members. CCTV ...
An Israeli police raid on a well-known chain of Palestinian bookshops in occupied East Jerusalem and the detention of their owners has shocked many people in the city's cultural, journalistic and ...
The audience is supposed to represent the whole world, and in the first few weeks it indeed consisted chiefly of newspapermen and magazine writers who had flocked to Jerusalem from the four ...
Unglaublich kreativ und vollkommen durchgeknallt: Nach 10 Jahren (!) Pause gibt es von dieser Hit-Serie schon bald neue Folgen auf Disney+ ...
The Police Immigration Office was reportedly assessing the man's status. Telephone: *2421 * Extension 4 Jerusalem Post or 03-7619056 Fax: 03-5613699 E-mail: [email protected] The center is staffed ...
Telephone: *2421 * Extension 4 Jerusalem Post or 03-7619056 Fax: 03-5613699 E-mail: [email protected] The center is staffed and provides answers on Sundays through Thursdays between 07:00 AM and 14: ...
An extensive search is underway in the Jerusalem region for Avishai Teitelbaum, aged 24, last seen on 29.01.2025. The search is centered on prominent religious locations such as synagogues ...
Knapp vier Wochen vor der Wahl hat sich Ex-Präsident Donald Trump laut Umfragen in entscheidenden Swing States vor Kamala Harris geschoben. Nun versucht die Demokratin, vermehrt um konservative ...