High fever, coughing, body aches, chills, and fatigue are possible symptoms of influenza B, but they may also indicate other conditions. A healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis.
Según los registros del condado, la edad media de quienes han fallecido por gripe es de 79 años. De los fallecidos, 118 tenían otras afecciones médicas subyacentes al momento de su muerte; 99 no ...
Here's a quick primer on the bird flu — when it started, how it spreads and what you can do to protect against it.
San Francisco was spared during the first wave of influenza in the spring of 1918. As the second wave took its toll on eastern cities in September, San Franciscans theoretically had plenty of time ...
Un gato doméstico es el primer mamífero del condado de San Diego que ha dado positivo en la prueba de la gripe aviar H5N1.