Tips to help you deter deer from your Hosta garden Hostas are big and beautiful shade-loving perennials. They love humidity, making them great plants in regions prone to humid summers. But as much ...
When you think of hostas, you probably think of big, beautiful leaves that bring elegance and color to shade gardens. This is certainly true thanks to hostas' foliage -- which comes in shades of ...
Q: What do I do about the warm winter we are experiencing? My azaleas are in bloom. Do I cut them back after blooming as I usually do in April? — Nancy Taylor, email ...
This AI-generated photo shows what appears to be a hosta plant with vibrant red and white leaves. However, hosta cultivars with bright red leaves have not been created yet.
Q: I’m having utility work done in my yard, and I want to save the perennials that are growing in the vicinity. When is the ...
The hostas on this list certainly aren't 100% deer-proof. No plant is. But they do have a better chance of remaining untouched in your garden than their more tasty relatives.
Who says they have issues finding perennials for their shade gardens? Perhaps these gardeners have not tried hostas. Once you try one hosta, you will want to plant more. Four hours or less of direct ...