With honey bees facing multiple threats, Jessy O'Keefe looks to give the valuable insects a helping hand one hive at a time.
Louisiana beekeepers have been hit hard this year by colony loss, as has the industry nationwide. Why are so many bees dying?
Learn more about some of the best new discoveries: ...
A two-year study on honey bee health in colonies placed on canola fields is nearing its completion, yielding positive results ...
An army of experts and citizen scientists devoted to documenting and protecting the country’s native bees is telling us a lot ...
A recent survey sampling of over one million honeybee colonies found that colony deaths have reached an all-time high across ...
Regular readers of this column will know that, in general, I struggle to muster much affection for non-native species, ...
A barnacle goose was spotted in the country for the very first time in 2018, according to the study. A single goose was seen ...
Vermont native bees are a very different creature than the honey bee (Apis mellifera) and, some biologists point out, ...
Farmers say the cooperative has been a game-changer, especially through the provision of ready markets for their honey. Currently, those who sell through brokers or middlemen earn between Sh200 and ...
Viromes, or viral communities, may evolve host-specificity. Here, the authors use 100 plant and insect viral sequences to find that plant-pollinator interactions and phenology shape the plant ...
A recent survey says commercial beekeepers in Texas have lost about two thirds of their honey bees since June last year.