Designed with geometric forms that evoke the pyramids in the backdrop, the museum invites visitors to journey through ancient Egypt’s 3,000-year history, starting with the unification of Upper ...
De politie in België heeft een opsporingsbericht verspreid van een vrouw die al sinds 2010 vermist wordt. De vermissingszaak bleef tot vorig jaar onopgemerkt. Er werd nooit aangifte gedaan van ...
Ahead of Black History Month, which kicks off on February ... the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, and The National Museum of African American Music in Nashville, Tennessee.
Eerst gaven de Britten er de brui aan, dan de Amerikanen. De liberale consensus ligt nu begraven in München. Europa zal de leemte zelf moeten vullen, schrijft Harold Polis. Er is haast mee gemoeid.
Divers recently discovered the wreck of a German submarine and the Royal Navy Q-ship that sank it in February 1917 Prohibited from serving with the U.S. Army as a medical officer, Barbara Stimson ...
The Netherlands has agreed to return a collection of 119 artifacts to Nigeria, the latest objects to be sent back to their homelands as museums grapple with their colonial-era holdings.
België heeft de Daviscup-ontmoeting met Chili gewonnen, maar de ontknoping zal nog lang nazinderen. In de vierde match ging Zizou Bergs uit zijn dak na een cruciale break, maar aan het net ramde ...
Today's object: Mummy of Hornedjitef British Museum Mummy and coffins of a priest who lived over 1,000 years after Tutankhamun and Ramesses the Great. Weekly theme: Making us human Looking at the ...
The event is for adults aged 18 and over. A valid form of ID must be shown at the gate. The Museum operates a Challenge 25 policy. The Museum encourages customers to enjoy alcohol responsibly. The ...
Civilization has always been a fantastic franchise for history lovers ... models that looked ripped straight out of a stunning museum diorama. You intend to play for thousands of hours right ...
There is literally an institution for every interest, whether it’s in art, history, science, or quirkier subjects. Is it a lot to take in? Certainly. But if you want to find a museum with your ...
Explore the history of the BBC since its foundation in 1922 to the present day Explore more than 100 years of the BBC’s history – click on our interactive timeline or investigate a topical ...