Talk to almost any serious hiker or outdoor-gear enthusiast these days, and you’ll hear the same story: stiff and heavy hiking boots are out, flexible and lightweight trail runners are in.
With its low weight and breathable design, the Fjallraven Abisko Lite Trekking Jacket is a perfect transitional layer to get ...
Learn More › Anyone who has been caught in a rainstorm, had their inseam rip as they sat on a rock during a break, or been swarmed by mosquitoes when the wind died down can appreciate the importance ...
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people visit Arches National Park to go hiking in the summer months, hoping for long, sunny days filled with outdoor adventure. However, many of these visitors ...
They’re my go-to lightweight hiking boot for day hikes and ... It’s also why I’ll still wear Blundstone 500’s during the summer—they’re breathable and don’t look goofy with shorts.
Hiking during the summer can feel like walking across a hot ... Rest under shade when you can. 4. Wear the right clothes Wear appropriate clothing – light-colored, lightweight and loose-fitting ...
If they do fit, we think they’d be worth the money if you plan to wear them regularly for summer hiking and other sports due to their great comfort and stretch, and their priciness seems more ...