The ThermoMaze behavioral paradigm enables the collection of extensive physiological data while animals remain at distinct experimenter-controlled locations during rest.
The franchise is in the midst of a recalibration while standing in the doorway of a Brock Purdy extension that is shaping up to be a difficult negotiation. Things change. It was a good start of ...
Laura Kate Dale reported that one example use case given is explicitly to reduce overall game sizes, to fit a modern game onto “smaller capacity physical media,” e.g. Switch carts, which get ...
The president fired the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as part of a stunning shake-up across the military’s senior ranks.
The Harris County Sheriff's Office have identified two robbery suspects at the center of an operation that led to an officer-involved shooting at an apartment complex late last week. A man has died ...
🍝 Weekend happy hour guide 🕐 Daylight saving time 🛒 Stater Bros. layoffs ⚾ Padres notes 🚿 S.D. water rate hike The debate comes as the city prepares to start charging people in ...
Radar detectors can be useful in everyday life. For one thing, nobody wants to be fined for speeding, but even the most conscientious driver can let their concentration slip and let that speedo needle ...
The social media scuffle comes after a heated town hall near Kansas City where a furious crowd shouted at Alford at every turn.
Time-Series Work Summary in CS Top Conferences (NIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, AAAI, WWW, IJCAI, CIKM, ICDM, ICDE, etc.) ...
Elon Musk, who has been accused of performing the salute at an inauguration event this week, shared social media post that questioned why other public figures hadn't been scrutinized.