A grizzly bear rips meat from a part of an elk carcass in Yellowstone National Park. Arctic Media / Adobe Stock If you were to write a list of what grizzly bears eat, the result would look shockingly ...
Today, several conservation organizations and grizzly bear proponents released their vision that bolsters support for a unified grizzly bear population within the Northern Rockies—offering a ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recently announced a new approach to grizzly bear conservation and has asked the public to weigh in on the issue. Some organizations want continued grizzly ...
ZAC Efron's brother Dylan has thrown his name into the ring for Celebrity Bear Hunt series two ... Dylan was just happy to be himself and go along for the ride.
Packed with breathtaking wildlife cinematography, the film looks at the past and potential future of grizzly bear conservation and shines a light on the efforts made and being made to truly ...