Or worse, you may get a product with unwanted bugs features, like some green lasers that also emit strongly in the infrared wavelengths. Sure, getting a free death ray in addition to your green ...
Researchers at Nichia Corporation have demonstrated green InGaN-based lasers grown on c-plane sapphire, with lifetimes capable of supporting commercial applications. The demonstration of green ...
DC-area residents living along the river might have caught a glimpse of the latest step in the response effort overnight Friday: A green laser projected over the surface of the water. As of Thursday ...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will conduct a low-altitude flight over the Potomac River and use a green laser to look for debris.
Could a practical green laser diode finally be within sight? The latest research looks optimistic. Researchers at the Japanese company Nichia have fabricated an InGaN semiconductor laser diode ...