Standing 199 virtual yards form the pin, Tiger took out his 56 degree and hit it straight down the middle 100 yards. Tiger had thought the caddie told him he was 99 yards out and chose the wrong club.
The Stack - Save 10% with code SENSEI - <a href=" PUR Truth Trainer - <a href=" - use code GSEN to save 20% The Putting Arc - Save 10% here: <a href=" HackMotion - <a href=" - use code sensei5 to save ...
President Donald Trump is signing new executive orders while his first joint television interview with adviser Elon Musk airs ...
Tour pros are exceptional wedge players because they control their distance so well, but you don’t need to spend hours on the ...
What part of the golf ball should you look at while you swing? It depends on what sort of flaw you are trying to fix.