This move is your primary finisher, capable of eliminating weakened Pokemon that have been previously hit by Linear Attack. With only a 1 Energy retreat cost, Garchomp ex is also relatively easy ...
It is weak to Dragon-, Fairy-, and Ice-type moves, making these the best choices for dealing super effective damage. On the other hand, Mega Garchomp resists Electric, Fire, Poison, and Rock-type ...
Sadly, it lacks a Flying-type Fast move, which hampers it slightly. In terms of Dragon-type damage, Salamence is slightly worse than Garchomp but still above Zekrom, Reshiram and Dialga.
Essential counters include Primal Groudon, Mega Rayquaza, and Shadow Garchomp. As a dual-type Pokemon, Zekrom is vulnerable to Ground-, Ice-, Fairy-, and Dragon-type moves. Its stat distribution ...
Being a Dragon- and Ground-type creature, Mega Garchomp takes super-effective damage from Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-type moves. To learn more about type matchups, check out our Pokemon Type Calculator.
Right off the bat, it’s important to note that Cynthica does not work with Garchomp Ex. She only works with the base form. Garchomp Ex’s strength is getting around walls like Druddigon and ...
Instead, players should prioritize building a team that holds a Type or utilizes powerful moves of the Ice, Fairy, or Dragon Types - as these are Mega Garchomp's weaknesses. Keeping Mega Garchomp ...