A sale of AI art at famed auction house Christie’s could change how we think about creativity – if it’s not cancelled first.
The Northshore parade is known for its original themes like “Dollar Store Dumpster Discoveries,” “Unfortunate Couplings” and ...
Marvel Comics experienced a surge in popularity in the 1990s that the publisher had never quite seen before. Now that comic books had become a staple industry worldwide, Marvel invested in a sea of ...
Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large and host, "The Josh Hammer Show" Over eight years later, back in the White House following a Democratic interregnum and with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ...
Over eight years later, back in the White House following a Democratic interregnum and with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his side, Trump confirmed his interest in forging the ...
Days after shocking the world with his upset victory in the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump espoused his hope of negotiating the "ultimate deal" between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs ...
Although Teodorin Obiang is not on particularly bad terms with the PM, he did resent his failure during his four years in office to clip the wings of Gabriel Obiang Lima - Teodorin's half-brother - at ...
The Miniature Wife is a high-concept marital comedy examining the power (im)balances between spouses, Lindy (Banks) and Les (Macfadyen), after a technological accident induces the ultimate ...