Energy policy expert Jason Isaac argues clean air mandates are exacerbating the significant drop in gas tax revenues that ...
The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Jared Hagert, R-Emerado, would dedicate the estimated $42 million in biennial revenue raised from the tax to a county, city and township road fund.
The 6-cent per-gallon hike in fiscal year 2026 would bring the gas tax to 55.4 cents — before including the 18.4 cent federal ...
Despite President Trump’s rollback of climate policy, some Republicans and business leaders say clean energy can help his ...
States with aggressive climate goals like Oregon face a conundrum: EVs can help reduce emissions in the transportation sector ...
Tracking people every moment they're driving sounds like more surveillance that the public won't welcome. A "road usage ...
With gas tax revenues on the decline as more and more vehicles require less gas, Illinois state Sen. Ram Villivalam, ...