Geothermal energy presents a unique opportunity for renewed American leadership with a resource that is available 24 hours a ...
Exploring structural, material, electronic, and algorithm advancements of motors to enable more energy efficiency.
When a BESS reaches the end of its useful life, disposal can be a complex task that must be carefully planned, writes Max ...
Eddies are large, rotating currents that contribute to ocean mixing and transport of heat and salt in seawater. Importantly, ...
Eddies are large, rotating currents that contribute to ocean mixing and transport of heat and salt in seawater. Importantly, eddies modify ocean circulation and can influence climate variability by ...
“The Equilibrium Diagram of the System Aluminium-Zinc” is the title of the first of a new series of publications which the Institute of Metals proposes to issue of up-to-date equilibrium ...
At the Technical University of North Rhine-Westphalia in Aachen (RWTHAachen) a pioneering test bed infrastructure has been deployed to investigate the energy systems of the future and the ...
This study provides a valuable method for optimizing the design of PEMFCs, which can lead to significant improvements in ...
How materials were combined to provide the needed flow of bacteria ... illustration on water. (d) Diagram detailing the components of the MFC for autonomous energy generation.